Teatercentrum (“Theatre Centre”) is a competence center for distribution and dissemination of professional theatre for young audiences.
Teatercentrum is a self-governing institution under the Danish Ministry of Culture and has a board consisting of five members. One appointed by the Ministry of Culture, one by Danmarks Teaterforeninger (DT), one by Kommunernes Landsforening (KL) and two by Dansk Teater.
Our activities
Teatercentrum disseminates knowledge about theatre for young audiences and itinerant theatre through:
Other dissemination inititatives include a number of methods that can be used to initiate dialogue before and after a theatre experience.
We provide information about…
We have also an advisory role…
In addition, Teatercentrum has many years of experience in organising conferences and talks on themes related to theatre for young audiences.
Teatercentrum also houses the Danish branch of ASSITEJ, the World Theatre Network of Theatre for Children and Young People.
More Information
Søren Kristoffer Kløft / sk@teatercentrum.dk / +45 4075 6902